Monday, October 22, 2007

Garret's Senior Photos

My cousing Tela brought her family to visit a while back and we had a blast taking her son's Senior photos. He was such a great sport letting us drag him all over for photos. Sorry its taken me so long to get these up so you can have a preview. I just hope your as excited as I am about them as I am. Here are just a few.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

More of Kaden

Here are some more of my favorites from my senior shoot with Kaden. I told you there was more to come! There were just so many good ones. We really had a blast shooting these. Thanks again Kaden.


About Me

...Just learning & falling in love with the world.~~~~~ email me at : Click on the comment under any post to leave me a message. I'd love to hear from you. You may also click on any picture to see a larger version. Thanks for looking.


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